VALINA – Into Arsenal of Codes
TR073 | CD / LP | 2000

The influences are obvious, come straight from the heart – and stay there: hardcore spirit and rhythm/guitar/breaks-tradition of the Shellac/Slint/Touch & Go family. Accompanied by a melancholic dash of the Sebadoh kind; a song of crying beauty telling about untold desires (gripping you in love as well as lonesome ...).
Listen to "False Sushi Cooks Among Us" or "the murder club", or, ... Wonderful "modern" guitar music: no compromises, and with big emotions!
Besides their musical origins in the Linz hardcore scene and their work in the local youth/community center they always try to push open new chapters; search for musical and/or personal changes. No standstill – neither soundwise nor aesthetical. Abstract structures interfere with quiet moments of tender beauty.... in their own words ...
Valina stand where they will never stand. Answering back. To questions of development – constantly developing answers. Forwards in all directions. Betting the ranch with their natured and nurtured straightness/weirdness potentials – playing the rock version of a shortwave radio, mistuning across SSB, heterodyne whine. We listen to it on Saturday.
We listen to it on Sunday. Beauty exists only in relation to ...dirt. Political. Noise doesn't yet exist. The unions do not exist anymore. It is time. Ours. There are musicians who find another. And there are people who search together. Musically. Valina is a band. Not more. Nothing less exciting.
"Into arsenal of codes." The debut as refutation of any conjecture. No codes. A snapshot of a splinter of 1999. Recorded in four days at the Elch studios in Bietigheim/Germany by Bernhard Hahn. Satisfaction now. Satisfaction in the work that has led to cooperation with Trost and Conspiracy records. It is a whole. And stays small...
Listen to "False Sushi Cooks Among Us" or "the murder club", or, ... Wonderful "modern" guitar music: no compromises, and with big emotions!
Besides their musical origins in the Linz hardcore scene and their work in the local youth/community center they always try to push open new chapters; search for musical and/or personal changes. No standstill – neither soundwise nor aesthetical. Abstract structures interfere with quiet moments of tender beauty.... in their own words ...
Valina stand where they will never stand. Answering back. To questions of development – constantly developing answers. Forwards in all directions. Betting the ranch with their natured and nurtured straightness/weirdness potentials – playing the rock version of a shortwave radio, mistuning across SSB, heterodyne whine. We listen to it on Saturday.
We listen to it on Sunday. Beauty exists only in relation to ...dirt. Political. Noise doesn't yet exist. The unions do not exist anymore. It is time. Ours. There are musicians who find another. And there are people who search together. Musically. Valina is a band. Not more. Nothing less exciting.
"Into arsenal of codes." The debut as refutation of any conjecture. No codes. A snapshot of a splinter of 1999. Recorded in four days at the Elch studios in Bietigheim/Germany by Bernhard Hahn. Satisfaction now. Satisfaction in the work that has led to cooperation with Trost and Conspiracy records. It is a whole. And stays small...
Recording: | Bernhard Hahn |
Mix: | Bernhard Hahn |
Artwork: | Loud Grafix & Sound |
I Burned, Need Mule
Comet Buster
The Murder Club
Red Light Off
False Sushi Cooks Among Us
Head Of HA Under Your Pillow
Grammophone Surfer